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    “Obviously some tasks are long-term projects that require you to revisit them.”

    This actually seems like one of the best solutions for that exact problem. I think most people have slept in past sunrise at some point in their lives. Gradually brightening light isn’t nearly as jarring or unpleasant as hearing the other person’s alarm. My girlfriend and I have different schedules but both use

    I gotta admit, I find the current trendy fixation on this particular subset of subjects a bit puzzling.

    I think you can assume the latter.

    I think you can assume the latter.

    You may not actually be a pervert. You may just “want to appear as a pervert.”

    Although my moods don’t seem that directly affected by lack of food or exercise (and maybe I just haven’t noticed), I could cut and paste the rest of this into a manual for myself. The idea of writing one has even crossed my mind.

    I disagree.

    If I don’t post it someone else will:

    I had one of these as a kid:

    Trying to imagine the reasoning behind this statement results in only some pretty far-fetched theories, most of which require you to suffer from some form of cognitive impairment. I’m willing to chalk this up to a failure of my imagination rather than a deficiency in your mental processes, but that doesn’t do much to

    I tried both methods today and got similar results, but the benefit of this method is not having to smear mayonnaise on your furniture.

    You’re calling people “sissies” and “whiny babies” because they’re pointing out that pets can get lost or killed when treated like cargo and that some of the animals on planes are service animals while at the same time you’re making a big fuss about pet dander. Why is pet dander more of a tough guy issue than any of

    Ugh. You just gave me that nauseous, sinking, back-to-school feeling in the pit of my stomach and I haven’t even taken my vacation yet.

    Computers or something...

    I should have guessed. That computer looks a bit too old to be running Windows 10.

    This is how I picture you:

    If “start engine” was only one of thousands of things I might possibly do when first getting in my car, I’d be glad I could get to it by only typing a few letters.

    Just hit the Win key and start typing ‘screen saver’. By the time you hit the third letter, the result you need will pop up. As long as you can think of the right thing to type, you can find most settings with the stroke of a few keys. It’s a great way for launching your programs too, provided you can remember their

    Yeah. That doesn’t seem that practical. I just take a sheet of parchment paper and do a fold for each strip of bacon and kind of roll them up. Then I just unroll however many strips I want.

    Totally understandable.