Where did you get a picture of my cat?
Where did you get a picture of my cat?
@FeatherNET [ :D ]: Yes, it did.
Why wouldn't you put it on your computer or your desk?
Is Episode 3 ever going to come out?
Why waste money on something you can get at gamefaqs.com?
@Shadowstep: I agree.
@Evilsoda: Which is fine with me.
@Shadowstep: Yes, the only way is to give the code off of cards.
Not all of us have access to a credit/debit card or bank account. Besides, you can't exactly buy points for a friend can you? With this, I can buy him a card, drop it off and be on my way.
@McKack: That's nice, but way too complicated for the most people.
Why can't they just leave it up until the week until the game comes out?
Looks kickass.
@Barry knows CPR and took that guy's wallet: Definite rip-off. Hell, it only takes a key-stroke to delete files on a computer, should companies like Apple and Microsoft start charging an extra $200 for deletion too?
@Koztah: Agreed.
@Gunstarlegends: Airsoft for me.
@bigox 25: Don't let him play the game until he is old enough to legally buy it. If it's M for mature he shouldn't be touching the game case, let alone playing it until he's 17 or 18.