scratched cornea

Make it appeal to the hipsters aka trendy. Then it will start to be popular.

take the speed 8. I can always save and buy a used continental. I see them all the time where I live in Brooklyn.

Yep only in the city; the rest of Russia is 3rd world unfortunately.

Don't like this trend. Last thing I need is some poorly maintained car slamming into me on the road. There are way more cars on the road than planes. (for the FBW argument) Most of the cars on the road are not maintained and inspected to the level aircraft are kept. Lets Keep It Simple Stupid.

you are correct everything breaks. Metal fatigue is a big factor in rims. The question is how quick did it break. Was it his 3rd time out or 30th. We don't know. He should have been checking for cracks. The company is getting a lot of flack because they are not standing behind their products by modifying their

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I agree. Whenever I see a plane post on giz or jalop I go on a youtube hunt that kills hours of my time. Here is a guy almost getting runover by a jet stuck in the snow.

I know they use dry sump to keep oil flowing during heavy cornering; but it also allows the engine to be placed lower. I bet they had to keep the engine high for the wet sump version. They should have just had a dry sump only version.

You can't compare BBS with this no name company. BBS makes wheels for actual race cars. Not like these schmucks and their "wheel enthusiast" founders. The only thing Cor knows about is how to keep the rims shiny. I also kinda blame the owner who probably chose these wheels based on a picture in a low rider magazine.

thanks! this brought back such good memories when I used to watch WRC all the time. Solberg was one of my favorite drivers. Yep WRC on speedvision narrated by Ralph Shaheen.

just a piece of shopping bag from an ancient martian supermarket.

they have a right to have a completely closed platform. They just can't call it open and refuse to let someone develope for it.

nice price. now fix it up and turn it into a rally car.

wow; that's a significant progress in diesel technology. I wonder what kind of toll the "turbo" puts on the electrical system / battery.

I actually woke up due to something else and said 4:30am?; I might as well order the new iPhone. I used the apple store app; didn't have a single problem. Except that it might come in two weeks.

took me a while to realize what was going on in that pic. I said to myself wouldn't a brake rotor looking like that cause a lot of noise and vibration? Then I started reading and realized this person must be oblivious of her vehicle inner workings. I think certain people really should read the car manual in the glove

what; no picard facepalm?

I remember selling front light retrofit kits for the Nintendo GBA back in '02