scratched cornea

Generic dictator man is not amused.

Totally agree. Thought once they made it affordable everybody would get one. Guess only nerds and accountants bought them.

yes its very nice; but @ 15k CP. You are probably going to need a few grand in the bank for those odd repairs that are inevitable in these cars.

I know you are not supposed to slam on the breaks when you start to loose grip; I figured he would once the car was 90 degrees of the track.

ZIPPERS!!! Just attach the sleeves using zippers. That how my Joe Jocket bike jacket has them. Never had sleeves fall off while on the highway.

Couldn't they use the rock ledge as a place to anchor some extreme duty winches / cranes. Seal the hole, while pumping out the water slowly right it up?

Like the quantum leap pic.

pretty cool. I know Jaguar made something similar a while back. This new system looks like something that will probably save plenty of lives.

At first glance I thought they were putting locking hubs on their cars.

Maybe a study should be conducted to find out why so many people are having trouble sleeping. Mine; hypertention and stress. When my preasure is up I get easily stressed; which causes me to loose sleep which causes more stress and more hypertention. A viscious cycle. Meds to lower my preasure causes me to have a good

I wonder if this is the same thing as the search results misrouting virus i've been seing alot a few months back? Never was able to clean them out successfully with any antivirus software; always had to reimage the machine.

Or took advice from Star Treks' Wil Wheaton.

Quad Four engine. Made very decent power for its time; but it was pretty damn noisy. Dammit nibbles!

I like that the check engine light is on. I wonder what code it's throwing. Is there a code for: I'm tired kill me now?

I don't understand why people are shocked that Apple is doing this. If Microsoft includes MS Office with the next version of windows; should that mean we should all be allowed to install a hacked version of Office in the older operating systems? Probably not.

Now we know who was building those jeeps.

mmmm pizza rolls

Toyota Century. The Japanese town car.

bill! bill! bill! bill!