scratched cornea

ISO on digital cameras today are not the same as from just a few years ago. Current processors clean up alot of the noise from the sensor at the higher ISO settings. You can have a nicely lit picture without keeping the iris open too long. Unless you are going for some sort of effect; that's a diffrent story all

Anyone can take a really good picture. Not anyone can easily manipulate a camera to make a really spectacular picture. That being said; its amazing what the current crop of consumer cameras can do in the auto mode.

drive on the right lane with your left turn signal on. people will be too scared to pass. I'm always afraid grandma or grandpa will choose to turn into me right while i'm passing.

I approve this comment. :) Next can we agree that any structural part of the car replaced with pipes makes it no longer the car it was based on? On a side note; love the custom rims.

well it is an old volvo; wind resistance will cause issues at over 100mph. Regardless when they gunned it the volvo had at least a 5 car lead. Thats considered getting your doors blown off in my book.

I wonder how much of that traffic is people refreshing the giz home page.

Not really a car hack. I was visiting my dads summer home and needed a light so we all can BBQ outside. Didn't have any standing lights. I did have a car battery charger an old headlight bulb. ;)

If I had the balls to play prank on the FBI I would throw it in the back of a ups truck.

Heh, what looks like to be under New New York.

captain caveman approves.

Now playing

Also love the sound of a radial engine starting up.

Now playing

mazda 787b lemans. Just love that idle and rev.

I guess literaly having a tank parked outside your garage.

heh; who remembers the button for "high speed dubbing"

Maybe its the glue used to bond the digitzer and lcd together not fully cured. This is what was the issue last time a new iPhone was released. Then again it was yellow spots not fully yellow.

I bought my first car because my jap car driving friends were like; yea man it's a honda cool. Well a year after I bought it; I found a deal for a free carfax check. Turns out both airbags deployed during an accident. I always wondered why the back right door had issues closing properly. So "Can I see the CarFax?"

This so has to make an appearance on top gear. Might be an EV they actually like.

That is badass.

Looking at all the comments; it seems like this has been done before. Outside a machine shop I don't think most people including myself seen this before. Pretty impressive and had no idea that it was done before.

is the failure rate for the device sitting in the lab or being out in the rain / snow? Is it for just the transmission circuits? What about the actuators; I bet those are the first to go.