  • Suggested that if his daughter were sexually harassed at work, he’d tell her to just quit, implying that women who get harassed in the workplace bring it on themselves.

To be fair, what challenges could possibly be harder than being accused of illegal contouring? I hope the justice system gets on this ASAP.

Uncanny! I too seek $15 million in damages from Miss Teen Florida 2017 - for the pain and suffering I’ve experienced as a result of reading about Miss Teen Florida 2017!

It’s just like, if you look at facts there’s no way a reasonable person who supported Bernie’s policies and identifies as a progressive would then look at the choice between Clinton and Trump and choose The Donald. It’s just not a factually supported position, and the people who are choosing it are irrational and

Same and I’m not at all ashamed of that.

I know, but don’t feel bad if you like her! I do! COME AT ME, BROS.

Dude, chill.

I feel weird for liking Hillary Clinton. I knows it's an unpopular position. She reminds me of my mom in a good way.

It’s like that expression “when all you have is a hammer..” The difference is that they have a shovel.

just keeping it real...isn’t that what you want in a president? Someone who tells it like it is!

Basically all women need to do is stand up for themselves or quit the job. I mean they can just fall back on their immense trust fund to help them make it to the next job, am I right?

Need some tax returns to confirm this!

...or Ivanka’s dad’s immense wealth...

Have you learned nothing? If you’re harassed, just quit your job. Boys will be boys, after all. And that will in no way help perpetuate that behavior. /s

That’s the kind of face you normally see after hundreds of years of aristocratic in-breeding. I’ve seen a plate of mashed potatoes with more distinction.

TIL I’m a weak woman for keeping silent about sexual harassment because I feared retribution. The more you know! How can the GOP be the party of ignorance if their candidate and his family educate Americans on important issues every day?!

You’ll pay much much more to house him on death row and see his appeals through the bitter end than if he was locked up and forgotten in the SuperMax facility in Colorado.

Exactly. This sentiment is precisely the belief / guiding principle of defense attorneys - the notion that even the most repugnant among us have basic rights that should be defended.

That's when we know that the Constitution works. When we acknowledge the constitutional rights of a little shit like this.

Why did Ryan Lochte dye his hair white? And why is his face so dirty?