Sin a bun

He responded that he needs more proof.

Imagine how much fun it would be to see the Knicks give KD a 10 year 500 million contract and still suck.

What going on with the lower portion of that fish?

It’s almost like they hate everyone who isn’t a rich white man.

Can she go on tour and get left places? Each time to awake to a news crew and holding a Bud Lighr.

The only success he ever personally had and was mostly responsible for was writing. People then fell over their dicks to pay him not to write. Page 2 Simmons was good stuff, everything since has been Shit.

He’s also being sued by Primanti Brothers for infringing on their “disgusting Shit that is technically food” monopoly in Pittsburgh.

I switched to camelbak full of coldbrew. Your vengeance will forever elude you.

They make Gus Johnson sound like Troy Aikman.

When I was 17 I hit my family’s dog with my car 3 miles away from home. I was coming home from work at 9 and it was dark, black lab darted out and I hit it. Got out and saw it was Charlie. He got out the fence earlier that day, I didn’t know until then.

Wrap-Around Cheese 94

Well, it was released in 1997 so judging by how they feel their football team is still relevant they probably play it Nebraska still.

Just a performance piece on how public services (the ball) are taken from the people of Cobb county (the kid) by the Braves (security asshole).

Sweet, now the playoffs can start.

Like blood sausage with a little blue cheese.

If I was Ingram I’d be afraid of that tattoo needle going all the way through.

What happened in that luxury box?

I find comfort in the fact that my children will have no idea who Bill Simmons is when they are adults.

I doubt that agent can see his cock but he’s still a male.

My post football game meal was typically two large pizzas, a two liter of Coke and a box of twinkles. Kept the same weight within 5 pounds all 4 years of high school.