Sin a bun

That’s the 2013 Yankee yearbook with his teammates signatures...suspiciously all in the same handwriting.

Ben Carson - “That’ll store a lot of grain.”

How easy is it for any conservative celebrity to get on Fox News?

This is valid, it’s called “Trump consent” just one party needs to agree as long as he’s pretty sure it’s cool.

Well nothing is as unexpected as rain, can’t blame anyone here. Next thing you’ll tell me is it’s gonna be windy soon, that’ll be the day!

Wow, that law is evil as hell. Fuck you poor people! Living the high life with clean water.

That is a crazy coincidence that Golic’s son was able to be qualified enough to do the same job as his dad with almost no experience.   Sorry experienced broadcasters, get better genes.

Just don’t feed him chocolate.

Avoided catastrophe? They possibly gave themselves the chance to be the 10th seed in the west instead of battling the suns for last. The roster is garbage, this pick won’t change anything. The sooner they get past the years they have to give away picks the sooner they can actually rebuild. Check back in 2021.

Call me sexist but I have a hard time seeing a woman pouring blood from her mangled face.

Steve Yzerman is “The Captain”. It’s his nickname, not Jeter’s.

Imagine if the Big Bossman was still alive. That would double the cost easily.

Good, can she quit doing Iowa games now?

She won the popular vote.

Yo momma is such a bad parent, her son gets paid to be punched in the face for relatively little money.

Not in Kansas

Remember religious people. If you laugh at the dogma and ritual of other people’s religion because you think yours makes sense and is normal, you’re wrong. It’s all insane.

Just a prank, bro!

We should ask what he was wearing too.

He’s gotta know that nobody believes him, right? It’s clearly him.