
Maybe take a few years of golf off the table and FUND YOUR FUCKING SELF!

is that faucet hooked up to the garden hose ... cause that would be amazing.

Black belt

I’d love a guide (when appropriate) on upgrading to Windows 10 without losing your current OS in case you want to downgrade afterward — Windows 7 & 8.


If you’re still around I have a question. I left my last job to start my own company. I’ve enjoyed the process tremendously, but for reasons both personal and financial I’m now looking to move into a more traditional corporate environment again.

If you’re still around I have a question. I left my last job to start my own company. I’ve enjoyed the process tremendously, but for reasons both personal and financial I’m now looking to move into a more traditional corporate environment again.

Ugg ... did not read in full ... the One Tab extension is just what I wanted.

Also ... an extension that ... de-extends ... other extensions temporarily would be interesting. Something that cuts done Chrome to the basics for quick surfing akin to the IE Tab extension would be great.

I’d LOVE a post on how to diminsh RAM usage in Windows machines. Mine just idles at 94% usage on a 8GB space without running any major programs. I’ve delved into it and come away with Page Table creep ... but have no idea how to solve it ... other than restarting the computer every time I want to use a RAM hog

If you think it’s possible to avoid all risk you’re the idiot. But I’m done. She escaped the backyard once in 14 years and lived a very happy life. That she didn’t live the life you want her to have is not really my concern.

Something tells me Reebok is going to try and single-handedly “fix” this. They don’t want this kind of sponsorship. Or shouldn’t. If they do ... #BoycottReebok ?

Oh Shane. You’re probably the type that never jay-walks or drives over the speed limit either.

I’m surprised there wasn’t a post about the Taj kick heard round the ... one game really. I was looking forward to an in-depth article on the controversy. But that block though ...

Hmm ... only once? What about a page dedicated to gifs? Does it play once when I haven’t scrolled down to it? And how to I circumvent the policy?

nothing? just wanted to shit on someone cause you had a bad day?

nothing? just wanted to shit on someone cause you had a bad day?

All #53FF45 Everything.

It pains me to feel the need to point this out, but at least 2 approved commenters of LH managed to miss this and made some, pretty funny but ultimately sad, irrational leaps of logic.

Funny you should mention that. The second time my Siberian-Husky ran away she was found by a pound.