
Yeah, because having a round logo is obviously derivative. Absolutely no one ever had a round logo before someone in the 1980's made that Starfleet Command logo (the Starfleet logo was different in the 1960's; more like a sideways chevron than the Enterprise delta).

but you’re right, it’s not coincidental. Because the

Okay... if I remember correctly, the Starfleet patch we’re referencing is from Enterprise where they tried to combine the classic delta with NASA’s command patches which are a tradition taken from our own military. The original Star Trek delta (from TOS) was based on the delta in NASA’s logo. The logo for the United

The original space shuttle was named Enterprise as an homage to Star Trek. The new logo is the same. CBS and Paramount won’t have much to say because of Sovereign Immunity.

It’s based on the previous USAF Space Command logo, not the Starfleet logo.

I’d....flag this comment, but I’m a grey.

“Are you playing online and play rather well? Doesn’t matter, once the other players realize you are a female, you are the worst thing that has ever happened in their lives.”

This is a sad excuse for journalism. I’ll go right for the most glaring omission from your article.... the very quote it centers around. Why is it that you meaningfully chose NOT to include his actual words? Because, Boyega’s joke focused on the idea of Finn and Rey having sex rather than being in a relationship, a

Not becoming of a lead.

Uh, yeah... he did express it in a pretty crass way. Did you even read the original tweet?

Count me surprised to see i09 coming out in support of using the phrase “laying the pipe” as acceptable language when discussing women.  

Grow the fuck up. She fucking absolutely is NOT an enemy, and you are an idiot.

One looks like a pretty boy playing cosplay and the other looks like a psychopath that’ll cut your face a lot.

I’d like echochamber people to stop pretending every criticism is because of racism and unfounded.

I’ve watched a few youtube reviews of ST:Discovery and I’m in agreement with them on their main points. STD is not Star Trek. Just like the whole Kelvin timeline movies aren’t real Star Trek either. I’m a left feminist myself, so I have no trouble with “progressive values”. My problem were not any such depictions, my

I don’t frequent boards where the haters express their ire, but are we really sure that a lot of people just don’t like the liberties taken with Trek canon, as opposed to it being racially motivated? Personally, I have no problem with Michael Burhnam, EXCEPT that she’s some never-heard-of-before sister of Spock. Just

Did I say it was OK? White people making fun of black people, men perpetuating rape jokes, healthy people making fun of the disabled... All despicable, all punching down. Again, not edgy, just asshole

I see brown skin, coming from a white guy this dude does not look white. He’s mixed lets stop trying to re word it.

Impeachment of the Apes. Where the shadiest orangutan on the planet gets impeached for not releasing bananas to the Chimpanzees, unless they give him dirt on his Gorilla rival.

I wouldn’t go blaming streaming and Netflix for the failure of independent theaters and the struggles even the chains are having. Those problems have been on going for longer than streaming has been a thing. Fuck it was a major topic back when I was in college and Netflix had just launched as the DVD by mail service.


please do not treat minorities as your personal educators. i have work to do. you’re on thin ice my dude.