not other. everyone.
not other. everyone.
ayy lmao
baby wanna bottle?
im not sure why people assume im mad about an easy mode.
im gonna ignore your snarky remarks in an attempt to respond to your question here.
im not against the coward mode, if people want to enjoy a game like that then fine. I just dont want devs alterating their own games to the point that EVERYONE can enjoy them, because I dont wanna live in such a boring world.
thats alot of assumptions about a comment you felt angry about buddy!
i think you can guess what I think about money making entertainment.
thats mainly my point, devs should only take in the audience’s feedback up to a certain point. Now Ubisoft’s games are this homogenized bland formula that is enjoyed by all, and loved by none.
then move on to another game, dont put the blame on the devs making the game “hard” or “time consuming”
lmao my e-penis is threathened!
im not condemning difficulty options. Im condemning the people who demand them.
i understand that concern, but i honestly recommend you try to avoid that way of enganging with your media. Its nice to talk with people about the hot new thing, but you should always strive to play something for yourself only and not what others think.
oh i totally get that, but from my comment i assume you can guess what my stance is about entertainment that has money making as its priority.
bring the oven mitts!
im not gonna lie about being a gaming God though.
games should just have a coward mode for these people who cant take a challenge because “they have kids and a life to live and work to do”. The real reason these people want an easy mode is not because they have other shit to do, its because they have to gobble up every piece of entertainment right here and now, so…
Im sorry, but calling Shadow of the Colossus unfinished is just plain wrong.
i hope he catches radioactive cancer
There is definitely a progression. The good news is that you have alot of manga to read. The bad news is that you inevitably catch up and then have to suffer the constant hiatus. The manga is definitely worth reading. The artwork is gorgeous and the characters are great. There is alot of blood-n-guts, but it serves…