Please select Cheese Dip!! If for no other reason than it may satiate my desire to buy a gas-station-style Nacho Cheese Machine
Please select Cheese Dip!! If for no other reason than it may satiate my desire to buy a gas-station-style Nacho Cheese Machine
I find pulling cling wrap over my sous vide bath works great.
The lack of anything from Russian River Brewing invalidates this list.
You mean you had the opportunity to call it the ‘beeriotic table’ and you didn’t?!?
A Sony minidisc recorder. The Palm V (fanciest palmpilot). Basically any top-end product right before a major paradigm shift. The least I didn’t buy the Britannica encyclopedias.....
I hear squirrel is actually pretty good, but gamey. There’s a Reddit thread where someone tried it.
Poinsettia. Will It Sous Vide?
You should’ve deleted everything except one note telling them why.
My advice: never buy the red/green mango varieties. They’re shit. Get the yellow ones (Ataulfos).
This is literally the directions on the back of every frozen bag of pot-stickers I’ve bought.
Nobody spends fifty quid to have a garbanzo bean in their face?
Hello, my friendly friends, and welcome to a very special edition of Will It Sous Vide?, the weekly column where I…
Hello, my dearest dears, and welcome back to another festive installment of Will It Sous Vide?, the weekly column…
Think I have to agree,
I’m still hoping for chocolate chip cookie dough in a sous vide, safely edible but not cooked through like when baked. I’m thinking along the lines of cookie dough ice cream, or eating cookie dough right out of the bowl... though there are safety issues of eating raw flour and eggs, is why sous vide sounds like the…
...avoid coffee or any other caffeine until you start your first priority task for the day.
I’m not seeing a huge benefit of *making* mashed potatoes sous vide, given that you’re going to want to gelatinize and rice them prior to adding butter/milk. Boiling water works fine for the cooking step, and actually seems easier than fussing with a bath.
I still want chili, darn it. As the weather cools and the days shorten, all I have to look forward to every night is a nice, hot bowl of chili. If we can make the preparation of that even easier, then I am all for it.
We have the same one. Great great thing. Extremely reliable.