Rodney McKay

Just start with stove-heated water at approximately the right temperature. No reason to make the poor little Anova suffer with this task that isn’t really in its job description.

?? That looks like something I’d post late at night after a bit too much beer (or, well, you know). I hope it doesn’t mean you’re giving up on the sous vide series...

But that would take much of the fun out of being online! Veracity is highly overrated as a virtue (you can see that I’m preparing myself for the Age of Trump).

I hope you haven’t given up on your plan to sous vide a turkey. That has the makings of an epic.

Eggs gashouse, you crazy young’uns!

I use a microwavable heating plate in a cooler. That way I don’t have to keep it plugged in while I’m walking. :-) Bought my “original stoneware” one back when they were very cheap. Now they’re priced like antiques.

Re the lead GIF: if it’s going in continuously, won’t it need to be coming out more-or-less continuously? Where is she sitting while eating?

I’m sure this has something to do with visa courier services, but exactly what escapes me.

China began issuing 10-year visas because the U.S. did. But China also demands a ridiculous amount of documentation because the U.S., in its determination to control immigration, does so. China has no reason to keep foreign tourists or business people out of the country (it’s not like any of us would want to move


There are other ways to avoid that problem...

But if we all spent wisely the economy would go to hell and many people would be out of jobs. It’s your patriotic duty to consume excessively!

And the biggest, bestest example of this is vehicles.

I’m pretty sure the CNN analysis didn’t show that Johnson (or Stein) had an effect on the outcome.

My wife is from China (bet you didn’t know that about Katie! She doesn’t look it) and now a U.S. citizen, so we’ve had quite a bit of experience with getting visas at the D.C. office. It can be a pain in the ass because it seems like they go out of their way to make it difficult, but once you learn the ropes (just ask

“here” — locative pronoun without recognizable antecedent

You don’t think that Donald Trump uses pot?