Rodney McKay

As for fermentations, I’ve regularly been using my Anova for making yogurt from thermophilic cultures for over a year. I boil the milk briefly, cool it to no higher than 115°F in a water bath, add the culture (leftover yogurt from the previous batch), divide it into almost-full (important! you don’t want them to

Ah, infusions... That’s why you want one of those lovely chamber vacuum machines we’ve discussed. On its own, it will quickly do all sorts of wonderful infusions/marinations. No water bath needed—but it’s still “sous vide”!

These days, some jerk would probably snap off (either intentionally or stupidly) the large part hanging out the back of the car—assuming the driver didn’t manage it him/herself by hitting something (it wouldn’t take much).

I figured my comment would be interpreted that way, but actually I was joking. I really meant that I’d like to literally 𝘣𝘶𝘪𝘭𝘥 (not select) a custom city that met all my criteria for a great place to live. Unfortunately, on my budget it would probably have to be 1:10,000 scale. 

May I build a custom city based on my budget?

No (renewed) love for Finder Labels?

Better that than dead human smell.

Or, buy a bunch of disposable hot cups.

You’re still using a Macintosh SE?

I shoulda seen that coming...

Ah, powdered milk... Concentrated misery for the lactose intolerant. :-(

I was expecting at least one person to snark at me for the contradictory phrase “cold, dead plasma”.

I have just one phrase for you, m’boy, just one phrase: black levels.

You will have to pry my cold, dead plasma from my hands.

Alas, chickpeas are a sure-fire recipe for Gaseous Clay (at least, for this old fart).

If it doesn’t bring back Finder Labels, then Apple can stick Sierra where the sun don’t shine and I’ll spend a few more years using Mountain Lion.

Love the word. Maybe the Bolton sigil should have been a Flensed Man.

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a huge fan of sous vide. I know this series is more about fun experiments than practicality, but when thinking about using sous vide for a particular project it’s worth considering a cost that may not be so obvious: energy. It takes a goodly amount of electricity to heat that big Camwear