Rodney McKay

Oh, well... at least we Mac OS users can have the nice wallpaper.

If you watch cooking shows, you soon learn that you can skip all measurements, and that adding “a little” of something means about half a cup.

I really, really wish that Adobe offered an “Elements” version of Illustrator, since that’s the product we Makers really want but don’t need most of the features of the full-blown version.

I really, really wish that Adobe offered an “Elements” version of Illustrator, since that’s the product we Makers

{shudder} Next time I need surgery, I think I’ll be old-fashioned and put my faith in whiskey.

I have an excellent 3-kilowatt induction wok machine (the induction coil is shaped to fit the round bottom of the wok) that does as well as the huge honkin’ propane-powered one that I used to use (and, can be safely used indoors, ignoring the issue of smoke). There are most certainly induction griddles. And, plenty of

I have an excellent 3-kilowatt induction wok machine (the induction coil is shaped to fit the round bottom of the

We kangatarians would like to propose our meat of choice. It’s low in fat, so should work pretty well.

If you aren’t using induction now, you will be eventually.

If you aren’t using induction now, you will be eventually.

Lots of things end up poaching in an excess of liquid when you sous vide them. So, it seems to me that there’s money (or at least fame) to be made by coming up with a clever container that will drain, float, or squeeze off liquid during the cooking. Lifehackers, go for it, and +1 internet to the winner!

You can’t afford a cast iron skillet? You might be able to find one at a garage sale, and they last literally* forever.

Eww, cardboard! Don’t you just hate it when you buy a frozen pizza and accidentally cook it with the cardboard tray because you can’t tell the difference between that and the crust?

This is the last nail in the coffin for Consumer Reports.

50¢ a liter—that’s cheaper than milk!

50¢ a liter—that’s cheaper than milk!

No Project Fi for the 5 either. Damn you, Google!

The sun.

The sun.

Fuck, yeah! (Seems more positive if you’re going for bonding.)

Not for my beloved Nexus 5? :-(

I remember reading (though I don’t have the reference at hand) that there are a few things that become toxic if heated in the sealed, anaerobic environment of sous vide. Certain fungi and, I think, garlic were on that list. I can see a flaw or two in the theory (what happens when you stovetop cook mushrooms in a

The hack that’s been discussed is to have a separate device (http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/) recognize a wake word and then electronically “press” the activate button on the RasPi Alexa device (or, for that matter, an Amazon Tap). That wouldn’t use the Alexa API or be affected by Amazon’s licensing, and it has the

So, they left her inhaling cake instead of air?

Ten minutes of enjoyment followed by years of regret.