I’d love to do this, if someone else cleaned up the resulting mess. Too bad the waffle maker isn’t submersible.
I’d love to do this, if someone else cleaned up the resulting mess. Too bad the waffle maker isn’t submersible.
My squirrels would be in heaven...
No, it’s an E. coli dispensary.
Please give me your address, because I want to live next to you. Durian has gotten to be too damned expensive in recent years.
People always confuse this grammatical point. The correct term is “mayntaloupe”.
11. Use blog comments to indulge your misanthropic impulses and preserve your RL relationships.
Saw this somewhere: Google is your friend, but Bing is your bitch. Not quite sure what it means, but it sounds good.
This year my extra Halloween candy went into the trash (though not without some suffering on my part). I’m quite sure that was the safest place for it, even better than a food bank.
Citric acid dissolved in warm water is, in my opinion, better than vinegar for this sort of cleaning. No vinegar odor, and less residue. I buy it in bulk since we have hard water in my area and I use it for cleaning mineral stains off of all sorts of stuff (especially wonderful for shower curtains!).
Walmart 200mg caffeine tablets are my (very) cheap fix when I need a boost. I’ve never tried an “energy drink”, but from what I’ve read here I doubt I’d notice any difference in the effect.
Speaking of acidic fermented substances, for deglazing I use the leftover whey from draining homemade yogurt to get Greek style. Good for soups, too.
Best served cold, anyway. And spicy.
No parallax when you move. Especially a problem when you have divided lights, as with the “window” in the photo.
On Mac it requires OS X 10.9+. Arrgh! I’m a conscientious objector, staying with 10.8.5 until the day when Apple comes to their senses and brings back Finder Labels (I know, never gonna happen, since Apple never admits that they’re wrong). Works on Windows 7, though, so perhaps I’ll become an antiswitcher.
I propose a new warning tag for posts: NSWLI (Not Safe With Lactose Intolerance).
Too bad that the customer service for Synchrony Bank (the provider for the Store Card) makes even Comcast look good. Amazon really screwed the pooch on this choice of a partner! I cancelled my card after four months of headaches. Definitely not worth the 2% cash back increase over using the Amazon Visa (Chase) card.
“Alexa, will it rain today?”
Citric acid (you keep that around for cleaning up hard water stains, right?) wash. Just like in prepared foods. Light “lemon” flavor.