
Sounds like a darwin award winner here. Unless he was sucked in from further than 15 feet away, then that’s a safety procedure failure...

Y’all are missing part of the story. It’s not the court hearing that resulted in his firing — Cartoon Network has been well aware of that for a couple years now — it’s the revelations that Roiland reaches out to underaged girls on social media in hopes of sexual encounters.

As much as it pains me to say it, you are right on so many points.
Take DSA (Das Schwarze Auge / The Dark Eye, formerly Realms of Arkania in countries outside Germany). It was a thing since the 80s, originally sold by one of the largest board game companies out there, then later by Fantasy Productions (who also ran

What fucking “goalposts”? She’s doing what she wants, and what she wants can change. You sound like a sociopath.

Sounds like the AI might take jobs away from real, hardworking assholes. 

I have zero investment in this situation or the rich, boring people involved, but as a fan of a good Sunday roast, I’m compelled to say the beef looks just fine to me. That said, there’s enough fat on a prime rib that you don’t need to rub it with two pounds of butter in a gratuitous TikTok flourish. The potatoes look

I’d love it if one of Fallon’s guests called him out on the air for his shilling. 

Hate is not a limited resource“

Not sure who I care less about, the rich people dumb enough to shill apes or the morons dumb enough to buy nothing and get an ape jpeg as a receipt.

Hey, uh, would I get in trouble for saying “fuck off” here? I don’t spend a lot of time in Jezebel comment sections. I’ll just imply it here and take my chances.

Nothinh new here...

A message to the public: If you see this fugitive, no you didn’t.

I think thats what all that rehab right after the surgery is for.  Too much bed rest is bad for the back and also leaves you susceptible to clots and other cardiovascular issues.

Man, I wonder why Platinum wanted to get rid of her 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Welp, there goes any sympathy I had.

Good. I don’t care how you feel about the whole situation, attacking Jennifer Hale for just doing her job (a job that she got after negotiations with Taylor fell through) is a pretty crappy thing to do.

The greatest trick HR ever pulled was convincing employees it was there for them.

Forget salad.  That poor Olivia Wilde looks like she’s hungry.  I’ll be happy to buy her a steak.

This. So much this. If I were in McNally’s shoes, I would make sure that before he was allowed back he personally and publicly apologized to the staff. He harassed and humiliated them, and he could have gotten them fired. At the very least, he should have to eat some humble pie. Corden is well known as an asshole who

Tell me when Cordon walks into the restaurant and apologizes to the servers in the same public way he humiliated them in the first place.