Pretty sure the handling of music streaming rights in Youtube are just as bad as Twitch’s policies.
Pretty sure the handling of music streaming rights in Youtube are just as bad as Twitch’s policies.
Why does Amazon’s face look like how Donald Trump imagines himself to be?
Super Mario Bros wasn’t an arcade game.
OK everybody! We changed the video game cowboy’s name! Problem solved! Please resubscribe to WoW?
“Look at the new Saints Row in action!”
....It’s not like he was streaming from jail, right?
“Chief White also said these performance cars should arguably not be street legal, nor in the hands of anyone for that matter.”
How much did it affect Riot? That’s probably the answer.
Doubt. Just did a peruse of twitch and in any scenario where there was gaming happening there was maybe 1 in 50 women with their own camera bigger than the game. Went and looked up top streamers, and with the exception of hot tubbers etc, the majority had the normal small webcam large gameplay while they were playing…
If you’re that desperate that you’d actually pay that kind of $$, I’m reminded of the old adage, “A fool and his money are soon parted.”
Getting released on a technicality is not exoneration. Cosby still admits to drugging and raping many women. So, supporting Cosby means you support rapists.
A few things (I’m an attorney that dabbles in some defamation cases in the greater LA area). The complaint itself is pretty terribly written and seems to be written for the purposes of media consumption (the identifying of someone as a “then girlfriend” while going to great lengths to explain they were not in fact his…
Look, give them a break, they’ve tried nothing and are all out of ideas!
I find it so fascinating that so many articles about childfree women / the decision not to have children are completely devoid of discussions around men. The vast majority of the time, having a kid is a two-person decision and process. Where are all the articles about men who “decided” not to have children? Where’s…
Meanwhile, a judge has ordered Le-Nguyen not to return home
They are not suggesting anywhere that games which are inclusive towards queer POC must be wholesome to be valid; they are creating a space for wholesome games *which are also* inclusive towards LGBT+ and BIPOC.
I didn’t leave America because of the horrific healthcare system, but it’s one of the major reasons I would never move back.
Nothing like paying up to 100k for papers proving you are buying a dog purposely bred for genetic deformities and awful health...
The sliders were also useful for spite purchases - buying a game from a particularly offensive developer but sliding alllllll the profit to charity. I’m going to miss that.
The ship has been interned by a belligerent foreign power. Based on my understanding of The Sea, the honorable thing would be for the crew to scuttle the Ever Given rather than let it fall into enemy hands.