
“It concludes with an unrelated but unsubtle political message: “TRUMP 2020.”

“Loris said he’s a Trump supporter . . .”

YES 👏👏👏 I was AMAZED when he died how many women in my feeds were posting sad images and thoughts, what happened to believe women? Or so he allegedly changed and became a #girldad so now he’s a hero? Fuck him and fuck the hero worship of athletes

I continue to be amazed that he gets a pass for that around here.

I really liked the Cosby Show. That was great TV, and I think we should all pay homage to Bill Cosby when we are making situation comedies about families now.

His base will not care, because it means their God-King will not suffer and die (Or at least has a better chance of not doing so)

“slaves with weapons shall be executed without trial”

There is really no circumstances where they don’t feel entitled to our bodies, is there? “Owner’s vacated this one. so it’s free to play with.” “Owner is unconscious. That means YES!” “Owner is combative. But she really wants it. That means Yes.” See? All the consent! *vomits*

Even if I were assigned female at birth, I would never put myself out there for the scrutiny of the SI swimsuit issue and its largely knuckle-dragging audience. As a trans woman? That takes courage and confidence I can’t even imagine.

If your history is based on statues, you ain’t leaning anything.

She looks like a clown.

The United States was basically built on the bones of Native Americans with the forced labor of enslaved Africans and their descendants. I will also give a (dis)Honorable Mention to the historic and brutal exploitation of non-WASP immigrants that continues to this day with Latin American migrants.

American soldier here, and I’m sorry to say, but protests don’t come when they are convenient for the disaffected. They are spectacles intended to grab the attention of those not paying attention. And kneeling during the anthem?...come on. It’s a racist song designed to play on the self-serving, blind allegiances of

Exactly this, I loved how much of that game was dedicated to puzzles and gameplay without fighting enemies. Uncharted 4 had significantly more fighting than Shadow, but probably less than the first two.

Something like this happened to a friend of mine a few years ago. She even thought she knew who it was (another resident in her apartment complex) and the cops tried to help her but there really wasn’t anything they could do so I helped her break her lease without penalty and helped her move to a gated community in

I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is