
Somehow this doesn't surprise me that someone in Manitoba would get this. Probably not a whole lot else to do there...

lol, you win the internets sir.

I love the fact that they took the time to do this right.. that's freaking incredible.

I... I trusted you.. *sniff*

Microsoft buys Skype. Skype needs to hire Windows Phone developers.. does not compute.

I love it. Even further proof that growing old is not growing up. When you get older and can't have your parents fight your pissing contests for you, you just hire a team of lawyers instead.

Times have changed, and professional is completely 100% subjective.


I'm the same way. I'm pretty harmless - but then I read shit like this and I see red and all of a sudden I am not so sure. I think that's what makes us human, though.

Everything about team iLuminate is brilliant.. that act was just crazy good and I would definitely pay money to see a live show of that for an hour.

I dunno, I wouldn't really want that on my coffee table.

I'm sure most people prefer a pretty fuck, to be honest. So this is not all that surprising!

Videos aren't animated GIF's. Can't you just post a non thumbnail video and put the text above or under it instead of making it impossible to see at a larger than average resolution?

I am using OS X right now. Love it. I own more Macs than any single household ever should - so I am not some sort of Windows fanboy here. I just want to point out one thing:

I love anything related to the Titanic.. it amazes me. Not really sure why.

Wouldn't surprise me if it is a joke. Also wouldn't surprise me if it was not a joke. Ah - the beauty of the internet.

I think I just died a little inside. I can't stand to see people who think they are so fantastic at something and they're just completely oblivious to how bad they actually are. Like he felt the need to plug the fact he edited the video AS WELL as did the special effects. Congratu-fucking-lations you over achiever.

did you not even read his post?

lol, such win.

My friends and I used to do the same things. Biking on paths, trails, etc is one thing. Driving in downtown city traffic with retarded people behind the wheel of a vehicle is something much different.