
Eexcuse me while I get my rubber strap and syringe

You got screwed in the playoffs.  Congratulations, you’re officially an NHL franchise.

Context does matter, but you are picking and choosing what context matters to you. As it stands, white people wearing dark makeup to appear black is the continuation of a practice tied to the mocking of black people, and often enslaved Africans, in the US. That’s the context for this. More context for this, which a

No. White washing is when studios cast white people. It has nothing to do with cosplay or halloween costumes. It is a winnable situation if you think first.

How is anyone defending this keep-away bullshit?

The thematic throughlines I’ve seen are:

You know, you could have saved time by just saying, “I didn’t read this shit but I’m big mad at women.”

Alexiou was sad to leave his dream of football, but he later found fame as the world’s most impossible Wheel of Fortune clue. 

i was born in texas, spent 12 years in st. louis, 8 in portland, or and now live in western mass. racism is everywhere and, fuck all, if mass doesn’t ‘beat’ tx as the most racist place i’ve ever encountered. 

I suppose it could be burners, but the stereotype is so well known (posts mention it every once in a while, and it’s a common trope in the comment section, even in this very post’s comment section: https://deadspin.com/1832621604), so I’ve always assumed it’s true. And logical — clearly this is a site that would appeal

The term ‘fag’ is widely used as a general insult and often-times when it’s used, it’s not targeting that specific group of people.

I played it a lot because I failed it a lot :).

it’s pretty dishonest of you to generalize the entire midwest as being racism-free.

Your point is, in fact, addressed in his last two paragraphs because, yes -  this shit did happen, you just didn’t see it or chose to ignore it because it didn’t affect you. 

Radio is just podcasts for lazy assholes who need to constantly be reminded what time it is and need to know when the sales at Shane Co are.

It’s a leftist site pushing left politics. The View is on if it’s too much for your bitch ass

The hypocrisy isn’t just “Republicans only point this out when it hurts Dems.”  It’s also hypocritical to claim “Yeah, he was wrong but he should get a gimme because of the first hypocrisy.”