
While some psychoanalysts will tell you that dreams have plainly symbolic meaning, most psychologists will tell you that the meaning dreams carry is exactly the meaning that you inject into them. No less than that, and no more. Dream interpretation can be a very useful exercise for meaning-making, but having a dream

Just out of curiosity - what shows are there on TNT or TBS that need to be recorded?

Cool, good to hear. It probably matters quite a bit to people who wish they were represented in the games they play.

When straight characters express love/sexuality, it’s normal! When gay characters express love/sexuality, it’s pandering!

They didn’t make it stand out, so you don’t have to worry about your hypothetical scenario.

Ommegang is 1-4 on the GoT beers so far, though I haven't tried this new one yet. I'm (slightly) encouraged by this review. My scorecard thus far:

People are going to go apeshit when she awards a first down for advancing 7.8 yards.

This is the sports equivalent of going back in time to save Hitler’s life in the bunker.

As a Stars fan who was nine at the time and got into an argument with my girlfriend’s uncle at her grandpa’s funeral over whether that was a goal or not last month.....I’ll agree. That Dallas team was one of the best ever though.

As a Stars fan who vividly remembers watching that game as a 15 year old, I agree.

If I wanted to see an aging senator trying to hit someone who just wants to dance I’d go to any strip club in D.C.

I'm not even a Dragon Ball Z fan, but for some reason I love that Ronda Rousey is.

Hey Captain! Open up! We've got to install these microwave ovens!

I'm not usually a big fan of the farmhouse sours, but T&T has just enough tang and a little funkiness without being too overpowering. Great spring/summer beer...but its tough to expect anything other than greatness from Lakewood, I mean they did bring us the magic of Temptress and Rock Ryder.

OD'd on weed. RIP Zane.

The Ruby Redbird is so good.

Damn I love a till and toil but the temptress is just too good...

Rawlings should tell Jerry Jones that as long as Hardy remains on the roster, the Cowboys cannot play a single game in his city.