
Two Lambos at his summer home? Sounds a bit unlikely. You can only fit so many in your underground garage.

Dear God, you are a child.

Sweet Jesus you are a sucker for punishment.

I'll just go get my blood writing pen.

Aren't you just lovely and dumb. I bet you are a blond.

Don't get sniffy. We don't want the North either or we happy to agree with whatever they want. But to complain about the North being a money pit is a bit much. Great Britain made it like that and therefore bears responsibility for clearing it up.

You need to learn better!!!

Yeah, not so much.


Indy is a podunk backwater. Nobody cares.

Poland knows more about war than you. They have a big tank force for a reason.

In a conventional war you still need tanks. You need balanced forces and you ultimately need boots and armour on the ground to fight. Air superiority isn't the only thing to fighting a war.



My kids pay for your pension and will look after you when you are old and senile.

Everyone thinks you are wrong.

iDrive is the market leader. Tesla interior and infotainment is crap.

The i3 is far more important than Tesla model S.

F1 cars are supposed to do that.

You say that like it's a bad thing. A perfect F1 car would ddisintegrate the second it crosses the finishing line.