Except no they aren't.
If you have an argument, make it. You realize nobody here agrees with you, most of them southern....
Germany didn't steal money from the Greeks. Can you give any facts for your conspiracy?
Can't make an argument because you are wrong?
They haven't stole any money from Greek banks.
It is a symbol of racism, to pretend it is anything else is ridiculous. It's like pretending the Swastika is a symbol of strength.
Hey at least the French aren't pussies. Few thousand casualties and the US generally cries uncle.
I'm European. My point is that the Germans are good Europeans now and have faced up to their past. They are taught about Nazi crimes from a young age, the military is disliked, they don't do nationalism, they don't wave their flag much, they are extremely pacifist.
I'm sorry. I'm just going off the GOP rallies where the crowd cheer at the idea of people without health insurance dying.
Why? The Germans are lovely people.
You are a fucking idiot who thought Lech Walesa was anti-union.
It is a racist symbol. Simple as.
The Germans have nice festival called Oktoberfest and they have a lovely sailing festival called Kiele Woche. They don't feel the need to wave swastika flags everywhere.
Nope, I'm sorry the confederate flag is inherently racist. It is a symbol which is irremediably tainted like a swastika.
You need to talk to the people who are representing the mainstream of libertarian America then. You all come across as heartless assholes...
The word libertarian has been corrupted by asshole like you. Fuck of to Somalia if you are so oppressed white boy.
You sound like a crazy republican. Why are you so crazy ?
Because a carbon tax is perfect in every way, markets adjusts.
Though it wasn't a union in the modern sense. It is a union like early 20th century union/political party.