
No, they just like the company and are whiny little fucks. It's hot on the mountain and they got no shaping time.

Fair play to the lad.


Isn't the non-ryan gosling guy basically a nice chap who she is a massive cunt to?

Nope, they legally have to in Germany.

Good point, fatty.

Yes because New york and California are poor and Alabama and Louisiana are rich. Actually NY and Cali have always subsidized the southern states through federal funding.

Except all German manufacturing is unionized, pays better than in the US and it thriving compared to the US. Much more competitive and export orientated.

Hey VW unions have given up Christmas bonuses before to help pay for retooling. These are good unions.

Except the stupid Republican senator doesn't have an issue with incentives. Just the idea the employees might join a union. If they displease him he wants the jobs to go.

Don't cry because the US military doesn't have great fighting record. It isn't terrible but it isn't great either. It can win with overwhelming power but it generally doesn't fight that well.

Ah the French and German won the American war of Independence. The US colonialists were just greedy fuckers.

They just come across as whiny little fucks. So the company they all like didn't win the contract to build the pipe. Fucking deal with it rich kids.

Well that is because the US military spending could be cut in half and still be multiple times the size of any other countries military. So basically the US is locked into a retarded level of military spending.

That isn't true.

Emm... nobody has an issue with $303 million for the design of a new stealth drone.That seems like a good deal.


I love how idiots think that nit-picking asshole complaints about the smallest thing is standing up to the Russian government. It's just petty small minded whining which makes you sound like an asshole. In particular US media and a few competitors.

I'm just saying lots of people don't know and it is a funny name. People don't say Great France or Great Norway.

Great Britain also just means it is bigger than Brittany. It isn't supposed to be boastful.