
The average American earns $50,000 per annum, the average Chinese earns $5,000.

US greenhouse emissions per capita are 4 times that of China.

It emits a lot more pollution per capita.

Per capita the US creats much more pollution. China also spends a lot more on renewable energy than the US despite being much much much much much poorer.

You sound very racist. The US is much worse than China on environmentalism.

But you could theoretically do it, yes?

Can you not just go to sleep and let the car drive itself? It has radar controlled cruise control and it will keep itself between the lanes. Soooooo?

Do you hate gays? And people on bikes?

Fucking A

I am, I've cut back my drug use but I'm still good banter. I just don't start fights with people for no reason.

Audi guy should go to jail and never drive again.

He broke the law going into the cycle box and was an asshole, he then assaulted a person. He should see in the inside of a jail for a fair while and lose his licence permanently. He should never drive again.

The audi driver broke the law moving into the cyclists box and then he assaulted the cyclist. He should never be allowed to drive again.

Audi driver should never be allowed to drive a car again.

Why, the audi guy deserves to have license permanently suspended for that assault. He should never drive again.

Utterly ashamed of the reaction on Jalopnik. Didn't know the people here were assholes. The Audi driver deserves a long prison sentence and hopefully he will get it.

You are a fucking loon. The audi roared off like and asshole despite being in a crowded city, he was never going anywhere. All he had to do was not be an asshole.

He is utterly insane.


Fuck off and die you useless twat.