
Well why so cranky then ?

Well that seems a bit mean. What did I do? I merely said what she said.

Why not ? Who gets to choose what is appropriate in society? Just people who agree with you?

Again you seem to be under the impression that this is my opinion or something I would do. It's not in a million years.

But does that make her opinion any less valid? She was well able to take care of herself and certainly didn't crave other peoples approval.

But what makes it definitely being an obnoxious ass? She said she liked a wolf whistle? Who am I judge that?

I'm sorry to hear that, certainly my ex had her fair share of issues but I don't think I am in a position to judge her as out of the ordinary.

Well some women find a wolfwhistle charming or the person doing it as adventurous or whatever. I don't see why you are attacking me?

I'm not advocating doing it. Shit I wish it wasn't the case. I certainly don't have the asshole charm to do something like that and it certainly can work. But at the same time denying that some women do like it because it isn't PC or whatever seems wrong.

Fair point and your right. Still there is somewhat a grey area. Not that I would ever wolf whistle, don't have the balls (or arrogance etc) for that.

Is it wrong that my ex-girlfriend liked wolf whistles from builders and the such. She is a somewhat successful mostly together person and comes across more sane than you or me. Maybe some women do like it???



I will, and so will a large minority of the world. Certainly can't say that NBA

Very little racing till Germany which is great. You can't constantly up the excitement of racing scene or you become F&F. It's a good movie. Hunt it cunt, Niki is a legend.

Well Arsenal haven't won any silverwear in over half a decade and man united lost the season before last. Enjoy your dull dull leagues buddy.

1. Yeah no rise or fall at all.

There are certainly elements of socialism in the British health service but not on the same scale as American sports leagues. The NHS is founded on the principle of being free at the point of care. Beyond that the British are pretty flexible. There is a large amount of autonomy for health care workers and services are

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Individual games can be interesting but the league as a whole? Nope it's really dull. It's just and endless loop with no real consequences. If you do shit nothing bad happens, in fact it means you get the pick of the players next year. There is no real rise and fall of great clubs.