Hasselhoff Mylawn

There was a surprise birthday party for my friend who's the last of us to turn 40. Before and after there was some catching up on the second season of my guilty pleasure Arrow. About six episodes of Arrow on one weekend can't be good… During the party I had to wear black dress shoes that shredded my ankle to little

"ejaculates the internet"? Al Gore on a good day.

Get stuck in IE8 like I am and it won't autoplay. Hell, it doesn't even show on screen.

This is gonna sound so wrong and I apologize beforehand, but it's supposed to just be a weird compliment. What I mean is, it's still hard for me to watch anything with Martin Starr in it because when I watched Freaks and Geeks, I could swear they had hired an actually mentally retarded kid for the role of Bill. You

I don't use those apps, but usually avoid that kind of site more actively too (no Facebook, Instagram, celebrity gossip, that sort of stuff; just culture news). So… yay for compatibility.

Janet is pretty great and she talks quite a lot and quite well in this interview. I think I never knew much about her, but she comes off as really interesting in this. Not to mention a hell of a wild drummer.

There's no way I could want to marry Carrie Brownstein more than I already do. Which is a lot. If she wanted a guy. And a kinda lousy one at that.

A few random thoughts after listening:
- I… don't feel like listening to most of these songs right away again. Maybe the album is a bit too overlong in parts. And tiring.
- "Party Line" and "Nobody's Empire" are even greater now than when I first heard them in advance.
- is it coincidental that "Nobody's Empire" strongly

(Now everybody:)

If celine Storms off, will we Banshee?

My dad is an obgyn. About 15 years ago when I lived with him, a careless anesthesiologist threw a used needle on the floor during a delivery and my father stepped on it. It went through his shoe and pricked his sole. The woman hadn't been tested for HIV, and I'm not sure why it took about two days for them to perform

It's weird how much I like this show. You know, for a friend…

Important and pertinent: does Earth come back as a zombie?

A whore that leaves the life after gaining the superpower of adjusting TV programming.

tiny, tiny dicks cocks the size of peas.

Ha? Shhhhh…
* trips, stumbles *

Or maybe he is, if related to the sausage king of Chicago.

In the wise words of those guys, "take a crap song and make it better".

Or "Radioactivity".

Or "Trans Europe Express".