Won't somebody think of the children!
Won't somebody think of the children!
Hey at least he isn't George Lucas. According to generation x he woulda just full-on-raped it.
True, but I gotta say that scoring first and going for the t.p.c. is equally badass.
Ha you know nothing of the average lifespan of a shark!
Why not two touchdowns both with two point conversions and a field goal?
After the deeply disappointing farewell to Troy (the episode had its moments but the whole thing just felt way too forced) its good to see the show regain its footing. Changs little tantrum and the way they flipped it around on Annie would be my personal highlight.
Reservoir Dogs disagrees with you. Tarantino gets some flack nowadays but Dogs is a stone cold classic.
1.There's a talking cat
2. ?
3. Profit
So make an effort to create iconic characters who aren't white men. As somebody of mixed Native American, Irish, and African descent I can tell you it would be much more exciting to see a new character then simply re-skinning an old one. I mean when they eventually reboot Harry Potter in 25 years it'd be a bit weird…
Wasn't there some whole plot thread about how them touching would set everything back to normal? It might not have been the wedding exactly but I precisely remember them kissing and all of reality going back to normal or something else that strikes me the wrong way.
(And the whole flying the TARDIS into the pandorica…
I read that as Boy Meets Sploosh which sounds like the greatest porn parody crossover.
This is the thing I don't get. The Doctor as a woman= progress.
But if hollywood were to reboot Alien and make Ripley a man then we'd have allegations of sexism.
The Doctor having to marry River Song in order to save all of time and space seems pretty wizardy to me.
Oooh how could I forget carrot juice? Plus it was followed up with the most diabolical of all the Doctors deaths.
IMan that just reminds me of how utterly fantastic NotD was. Even as someone with virtually no exposure to the 8th doctor I'd have to say it ranks as one of the best things to come out of the revival.
A Feast for Crows is what I'm currently slogging my way through, after which I'm expecting disappointment from Dr Sleep. Also been skpping around through The Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe.
Eccleston got the best closing line of any of the Doctors. Despite my problems with Davies style I've got to say that this is easily the best regeneration episode of the revived series and probably my favorite season finale.
Did you seriously just compare BBT to Cheers? Excuse me I think I need to go lie down.
Micro-penis syndrome would have to be my first guess.
I still prefer Moffat to Davies, but I'm against his whole idea of what Who should be. He has it in his head that Doctor Who is a fairy tale while my favorite era; The Fourth Doctors first series, was pure Sci-Fi. (Not that I've seen every single episode of Doctor Who obviously, or even most of them. But after a…