HarvestMoonCat: Alias Investigations

With all due respect to Haute Couture, can anybody explain what the fuck is going on in the top picture?

I love me some tomatoes but I can’t eat them just on their own with almonds! I’d rather eat the almonds and an apple.

No one healthy eats like this. Period. This shit that is peddled in gossip mags and IG pages is not an actual diet for health. It’s a diet for starvation. I work out a LOT regularly and I’m in good shape. I eat real meals. I know women who have phenomenal looking bodies too. NONE of them eat like this. At all.

The ‘12 almonds’ killed me.

Thank you for not making me click. You are doing the Lord’s work.

I have met her in passing.

Yeah fuck him, but fuck youself some too you might be so up tight. Good grief.


My father works with her father, and I have met her in passing. The family is normal by all indications. I think this is due to the bad luck lottery of Sociopathy, or some other personality disorder.

Hello. 26, lonely and friendless here, have been most of my life. I couldn’t fathom asking someone to kill themselves. Goodbye.

I forgot they had a son... whoops. He’s adorable and I love his enthusiasm. Also, he and Chelsea look like siblings.

Those kids were born wearing khaki.

It’s right up there with “Vegan Youtube Celebrity.”

“I’m gay for activism”

I gotta say I don’t either. For their sake I hope I’m wrong, but there’s definitely a Tom-Cruise-couch-jumping aspect to this whole thing.

Not this article but in general I don’t get the Leo hate. Yeah he’s a womanizer, but he doesn’t seem predatory, just two adults having a good time.

Obama Care victims... Dafuq?

Chris Pine went to Berkeley, studied English literature, and did the education abroad program at the University of Leeds a few years after I did. He’s rep’ing us English majors well, and is therefore the top Chris.

Who the hell gave Suicide Squad a pass?

Thank you, that was really interesting.