Haruhara Haruko Croissant

First year lawyers in NYC make $180K. That’s why I lived there. If I were a lawyer in your town, I’d probably have made $35K.

I have to support him because the progressive left has become a threat to democracy. I’m a lifelong liberal and I have no party left. They actively hate me because of how I was born. I keep telling progressives that they are driving liberals away but they won’t listen.

Dark brown sugar, cayenne pepper, chili powder, smoked paprika, garlic powder and a 375 degree oven for what looks like about 20 minutes and we’re talking.

OK, explain how it is not.

Judge individuals, not demographics.

You were a regular on r/incel, weren’t you?

How about “Should we ban capers”?

Being regressive may not necessarily be hateful, but it usually is. If you shit on people while calling it not holding “compatible socio-political opinions,you’re still shitting on them.

Yeah you do. You wouldn’t do it otherwise. You weebs crack me up. You’re all so gloriously fucked up, with your little cartoons and such. 

Dude you’re 0/40 on responses. Why do you keep doing this when you suck at it this much?


She does tell you to donate or otherwise get rid of the items.

Should sell almost as well as my new diet book, “Eat When You’re Hungry, Don’t Eat When You’re Not Hungry.”

Looking forward to when her time in the spotlight is over.


Hey, all.

Hey, all.



This is the Root. A tiny subset of black folks who think Wakanda is a real place and every single thing a black person does wrong can be traced to a white person somehow. And you expect levelheadness and consistency here?