Haruhara Haruko Croissant

Easy. Have mashed potato ready for her to drive back and pick up

The popular vote doesnt matter and is something harmful to be guarded against.  We arent one unified country you psycho.

What the fuck?  He killed one person arguably a threat to him and he gets life without parole?  Thats not normal.

The government is not supposed to provide a healthy, happy and safe life for its citizens.  Thats an authoritarian idea, and the reason we have guns in this country.  (To shoot the authoritarians)

This man is a hero and im dissapointed that most domestic terrorist attacks are against schools and houses of worship. If 50 progressive activists had died instead of 50 muslims, i’d be cheering and jerking off with their blood.

....your kids, too.

You’re sort of on to something, as the midwest has the most western european people (German and british) untainted by immigration over time.  Its more british than britain is, more german than german is.

For a better, non cinnamon flavored version of this, try the “Chili Mac Supreme” at Steak N Shake.  it pairs well with an oreo milkshake for a waistband expanding midwestern dish. 

My 113,000 2015 model year car is destined to be a rally car the moment its paid off and replaced.

I dont know if i’d take the “Conspiracy theory” route here, as Fox, the state AG has already been FOIA’d pulling her strings because of emails and texts from friends of Michelle Obama, who knew jussie.

Him getting off at the municipal and state level is literally the result of a cabal of black politicians this time.

Thats.... not really a self own?   Stacy Abrams responded to media rumors and more rumors are floating around.  Biden hasnt actually done anything in this story but wear a T-shirt.

Nobody thinks this. You’re strawmanning.  White people think their culture succeeded and helped them, not their skin or eyes.

Its ok to celebrate your heritage and privilege, because we are all products of our culture. Thats why the argument of privilege being unjust doesn’t work, because nobody is legitimately saying the source of white privilege is biological race, but instead hundreds of years of cultural success. And its not unique to

> I tell them, by matter of circumstance, they were born White straight males. Due to hundreds of years of systemic racism and colonialism and thousands of years of misogyny and homophobia, they have social advantages that are verifiable and quantifiable.

And thats ok to celebrate, because we are all products of our

Because killing isnt murder, and zimmerman and most police have a good legal reason for killing.  Those that dont, go to jail.

Homeboy is getting federal hate crime charges. Nobodys mad yet. 

Homeboy is getting federal hate crime charges.

Id suspect the reason for this is that women damage their cars more, but when men crash they are more likely to be seriously hurt?

Id suspect the reason for this is that women damage their cars more, but when men crash they are more likely to be seriously hurt?

You cant call people advocating for their own sociopolitical power toxic.

Gameplan: Brexit UK and USA invade europe. Kill absolutely everyone, re-form western civilization in liberal principles.  This is bullshit.