Haruhara Haruko Croissant

What if he's liberal and not progressive?  Non far left democrsts should have someone to vote for in the primary.

Just as long as they don't use "liberal" for "progressive". I hate that.

Have you considered fucking off out of white neighborhoods?

Definitely. I'm literally shaking right now

You guys are authoritarians. No wonder you hide in corporate curated spaces.


God thing all that gun control in the area was here to stop this

What the hell? I do like 110 in my honda fit on the way to work.  More bias from “lives within 3 hours of even a small city” bias.  :(

There is no point running to the left for him, the far far left of the Democratic party is expressly a movement to strip white men of social and economic power, so they'd never put one in office. But running as a liberal instead, what has become the right wing of the Democratic party would make him "Joe Biden but not

Youre saying a black man should go to prison. It doesn't matter if he did a crime, they've faced 400 years of racism. Bigot.

Nobody said white people dont help white people, of course we do.  Thats not injustice, this is our country.  The moment it isnt our country, we break out the assault rifles.  We’re the fucking 1984 Olympic all-star team of genocide, easy done.

Hell yea, he worked on the “possibly best ever livery” 1977 hesketh, the Penthouse car.

Its not expected that public figures fight patriarchy and heteronormativity.  Lots of people like those things.  Stop your targeted harassment please.

My ethnic group within my nation, duh.

How many wars has singapore been in involving jet fighters?

Peacetime training is never going to compare to learning from people that have actually been to war.

I like how “right wing” alone is considered to be a slam against the credibility of any media. So used to being far-left lunatics are the media.

Someone please mass shoot newsrooms.

You forgot that he is white, and theirfor is not  allowed to make eye contact with, much less criticize a person of color.  Especially while republican.

Gun violence really is at an all time low, what are we addressing?   Americans dont want to become europe.

Equity is always authoritarianism. if you think black people arent capable of flourishing under a free system, you’re a black white supremacist.

I didnt see any art, i was responding to a quote.