Haruhara Haruko Croissant

Liberty city and Opa Locka are some of the most dangerous places in america, people have been white flight-ing to broward and palm beach for decades, and increasingly are bailing out of south florida completely and moving to central florida.

Its like people slowly fleeing a zombie infestation.  Take the hint.

I dont know why this fake hate crime event is getting so much attention. The MAGA kids fake hate crime was only a week before, and i think only a few weeks before that was the fake white dude in a truck shooting a little girl and her family. And only a little while before that was the “Black people live here” campus

Women in combat with different physical requirements to men is STILL a bad idea. Here, have a ‘friendly’ boxing match between a female solider and a male marine. It goes about as you’d expect:
(I say “friendly” because the female solider gets pretty damned butt-hurt when its over and pouts about it)

Vegans have lost the right to comment on the quality and flavor of food for all time.

The hot dog question is played out. We need to start asking if salad with croutons is a sandwich, or better yet is french onion soup a sandwich? 

Pro tip: The NRA wouldnt be going so crazy and just be a boring hunting rifle magazine if a serious movement for an Australian/UK style gun ban hadnt started to gain traction with the far left.

The citizens of the united states exercising a constitutionally protected civil right cannot honestly be considered terrorists.

Hint: It was after a serious movement for an australian/UK style gun ban started to gain traction with the far left.

Hint: It was after a serious movement for an australian/UK style gun ban started to gain traction with the far left.

Hint: It was after a serious movement for an australian/UK style gun ban started to gain traction with the far left.

This actually brings up an interesting point. Lets say the muller probe is everything progressives dream of, and it blows trump and pence out of office and installs pelosi as president.
... do you think the people that put them in office are just going to disappear, THANOS style?  God-Emperor trump is just a

Somehow europeans turn a blind eye to the GM plastic interior when it has a european badge on it...

This problem is endemic to socialist governments. If you’ve read any marx the workers revolution failing to overthrow all capitalist governments at once means an empowered class needs to be created to protect the proletariat from the capitalists, which due to the uniquely authoritarian nature of planned economies is a

Its not a great look to root for russia because you have a political disagreement with the current US president.

Why not assume hes not a monster and making sure people arent just hanging out in the bathroom socializing on the clock?

Hate crimes that turn out to have been faked in the past by the way, activists say the violence is really about a nation that has been pushing back against the Islamic regime since its founding. Whenever you want to do something about it, you should start with a little bit of a sudden number that will make your heart

Nobody has not gone through anything like that electric fiat or a ssc and they said that they would have made a ghetto for the first amendment. Prosecutors have accused him of trying to get a cat to play the role he was sleeping with.

Nah rumors and whisper campaigns dont trump the court system. Every advocate for things like meetoo deserves an extrajudicial murder.

Nah we non socialist democrats still exist.  How about pinochet style helicopter death flights for progressives instead?

When much of your policy positions are mostly advocated for by children, from gun control to climate change, you might want to do some deep self reflection.