The problem is that it is never cut and dry. There are grey areas and I was simply highlighting as such.
The problem is that it is never cut and dry. There are grey areas and I was simply highlighting as such.
Err. What happens if you put the book away? What about face down with pages apart? Book closed with a book mark? What if you finish the book - care to discuss it? How long should one wait if you put the book away before looking for other social cues?
You might not give a damn. Others might and therein lies the rub.
No I am not blaming women. Stick to the narrative. Gender socialised roles. I was stating that it would be a win win
No they speak volumes what you think I think about women. Seriously how can determine my thoughts on women from a post advocating more women should be encouraged to ask men out.
In the long term it may improve the amount of inappropriate times men ask women out as men won’t feel the need to continually be the instigators of dates. Win Win.
No disagreement from me.
In my experience it is much easier to read the social cues a woman is not interested than it is to determine a woman is interested. I have stuffed up many times and got it wrong - the differences between women are greater than the similarities between them.
No just posting and engaging in discourse. I am not overly smart.
And it would appear the men never rioted in revolt either.
Why do you contine with ad hominems? Playbook - no attempting to be objective.
So you are advocating no man should ever approach a woman and ask her out?
And you have been playing feminist bingo? “Mansplain” - really the censorship device of those expressing existential angst of an ideology in crisis.
Don’t follow you?
Ridiculous is you pull out two censorship devices “mansplaining” and “trolling” when you really have nothing to say. I have read it numerous times and yup - nothing there. Reading your post is almost a feminist parody of all that is anti-intellectual in feminism. Let me guess I’m “problematic”. Ethical claims are…
What if she was reading in a bar?
For all feminism’s theory and gusto I simply suggested one item whereby equality can be improved - a real world example and I am getting some interesting feedback. I would have thought this would have been embraced.
I agree. Wish more women asked men out. They do exist just not enough of them.