Spanfeller keeps his address to himself, ‘cause it’s a secret cret cret cret cret cret cret cret cret cret.
Spanfeller keeps his address to himself, ‘cause it’s a secret cret cret cret cret cret cret cret cret cret.
I feel you.
Each site ungreys it’s own. I’ve collected 4 or so
I think Deadspin was the top trending thing last night? I don't know if that was just me or everyone, but it was a bit like watching a mountain on fire. Sad but beautiful.
He once said before doing enough damage to a website that they had to turn comments off.
I was radicalized by punk rock and Deadspin.
Keep fighting the good fight... Ol’ Spamfilter, Mermaid, and the rest of the PE gang can go pound salt
Thanks - it’s the tiniest little gesture, but I need to channel all my denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance into something.
Jim Spanfeller looks like a guy who gives his niece lingerie for her birthday.
I know it’s only a small gesture, but until things change I’m changing my avatar to show my support for Barry and in solidarity with the GMG Union.
Big League Chew
*goes on amazon and orders five cases of getting hit by a bus gummy bears for the deadspin staff*
Speaking for everyone, where’s xanax?
I had to turn the brightness up on my monitor to read this.
Because of all the shade being thrown. This is magnificent. Paragon of SPORTS! journalism. I may even be willing to pay a monthly fee for this content, its just that good.
I mean, now that Farmers is no longer providing ad revenue anymore. You really hate to…
Hey, they are with you guys!
*fist bump*
So they used “sports to stick” it to the man?