Seriously. Imagine if someone tried to sous vide everything? How annoying would that be?
Seriously. Imagine if someone tried to sous vide everything? How annoying would that be?
So will Trump’s next communications director be someone from Fox News or a concierge from one of his hotels?
Branch out from cheesesteaks. Once you’ve had one or two, try a roast pork sandwich; there’s Nick’s in the NE where I grew up, and Dinic’s and John’s in Reading Terminal Market. Wander around the Italian market and visit the cheesemongers. Find little hole-in-the-wall places that let you BYOB and try everything on the…
Oh yeah! Gonna be making that for sure! Thanks for dropping the link!
*Furiously Googles M&C stuffing*
Someone beat me to it already but it is tough to shame someone who has no shame. After turning on the TV this morning and immediately trying to figure out if anyone we knew was in Las Vegas, my wife and I talked about the fact that nothing will change. Sometime this week, and it may have already happened, someone will…
If you flip it backwards it’s a telescope, you can see all the way to flavor town.
Well sure, but that’s like saying you won’t touch whiskey because your freshman year roommate once drank so much Jack Daniel’s she puked out the window. Don’t let one person’s improper use of a good thing put you off it!
Some great ideas here. Another approach to distraction — especially if you find activism too daunting — is to practice kindness. Find a way to help someone nearby, or you local community. It’s an absorbing diversion and will likely increase your overall happiness.
Does this mean we finally get some more gun control, now? Boy, I hope so.
Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!
Yeah I keep accidentally saying thank you to my various robot companions too. Since they are usually always listening, hopefully they’ll sneak in a robot “you’re welcome” in the future. I’d feel pretty validated, get on it google!!
Life is too short to work in an environment that sucks the life out of you. Quitting without something else lined up is not always the best way to do things, but sometimes, you just have to walk. It’s the people who work at horrible jobs (for them and their personalities) because the job ‘pays so good’ and then, after…
“There is a great disturbance in the Force. I have felt it.”
FUCK YOU 2016 .... !!!!!! Sad, sad year. For everythings. War, politics, famous people, personnal matters, FUCK !
his meal-in-a-dough-pouch must be cooked until it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
Please note that some people in Japan finds your whitewashing statements hilarious and would likely be using Japanese actors to recreate any Western media.