
I use iGoogle religiously multiple times daily. I've divided my interests up into tabs (web design, graphic design, gaming, general, tech, etc...) and scan the recent headlines of hundreds of sites in minutes. I like the layout and config better than Reader. I'm not sure what I'm going to do as a replacement. Any

I like that the only voice in there is Aziz Ansari

the end of the world is upon us!

How can Georgia have "No Data"? Is it against the law to poll data there?

cover looks like almost every early 70's book cover

i've lived in maryland a long time and remember my little brothers both getting to go the forest and i never got to go. i drove past it the other day (you can only really see it in the winter) and thought that it was like the post-apocalyptic maps in CoD.

on the 28th i tried to buy an album in the android market, on my phone. i got a generic error that it couldn't complete the order, so i tried my computer. i got an error that my card on file was expired so i updated my new card, plus added a new gift card as well. i was never redirected back to the market online, so i

i hate to sound like this....

is that pointing to his Pujol?

Probably had something to do with the Baltimore Ravens.

looks like it could be used for a real life re-enactment of a Call of Duty multiplayer map.

with all these asteriods and sunflares i'm somewhat disappointed i haven't started seeing mutant super powers. i was really hoping to get one.

I was a waiter for 10 years and then bartender for 10 years and I used basically the same model you have pictured in the article. It became like an extension of my own hand and I could open a bottle of wine just as fast as opening a bottle of beer. The key to using it effectively is being sure to always start the

this was the soundtrack to driving my brown chevette fast and reckless on the backroads.

and i've come to find out that they used the same email address in similar attacks: haili_121@yeah.net

This happened to me today.

They both have dumb mustaches?

Does that make them all Jesus Sharks? Jesus H. Shark...


why does yoda have a cup of noodles? i don't remember that part.