Grits n Gravy

Although I agree, I think the point was them leading their animal through a trap ala Rick's bait trap earlier in the episode.

F is for fantastic

You're bound to get a bad one in the batch, though

I come for the torture porn

Felt the series peaked with the Gina Carano episode and has gone downhill from there. Perhaps that was the original finale as this felt mostly like just another episode.

Oh look, The Wire was mentioned…wait a minute not that one.

C for Carcosa

At least we got our Hostages coverage out of the way in time

Canadian Bacon is finally happening

See! Walt was just taking a nap so he could slip out and avoid the police. That's so Heisenberg

This show used to be enjoyable. but for all the reasons Todd mentioned, this season I'm starting to really dislike it.

Was really looking forward to this show, but halfway through, wish it could have been so much better.

This have anything to do with Amazon's drone that going to be launched?

what about 'wrassle'?

Vince is always sexy

What about the one where Skylar wakes up and realizes her husband is a meth dealer?

Vertical Video Syndrome, ick
I thought that guy said he was Hitchcock.

Anyone else not like they spent so much time hyping the Langley Bomber only to reveal it was someone we didn't know and then just kill him off

'Brody Carrier' should be her name now

Pretty much this^