Harrison Voorhees

First, let me just clarify, I do NOT want this plane to crash. I was just a bit frustrated with how people could be so horrible, so I didn’t actually mean that.

Oh, I’m sorry did you see anything about the people clapping being millennials? I get far more sideways glances and scoffs about my child being a toddler and acting like a toddler from baby boomers.

This has nothing to do with millennial. People have been assholes for 1000s of years. I’m 36. And I understand that. I know its cool to hate on millennials but thats not really applicable here. As to the article y’know fuck those people. Fuck them in the ear.

As someone who suffers from various allergies, I’ll try to be as diplomatic as possible here. That said...

I dunno man, people who recline their seats are soulless monsters.

Ask Alissa over on Gizmodo. I’m sure she’s got a good answer.

Now playing

Where’s his dog Spot? They must’ve been in SoCal because I grew up listening to the Go See Cal song.

Thx, love the articles!

yes, I would, because they’re floor mats.

I don’t think thats an EGR valve, how would exhaust gas get routed to and from that valve? Looks more like a pressure regulator.

That guy is the world’s biggest moron. He should just take a big check from Nissan and give them the domain. Instead he decided to be a tool about it.

Meanwhile, the owner of Nissan.com is still giving a hilarious fuck you to nissanusa.com

Let’s be rational here, would any US president have started a war with Russia over Crimea? Would any US president start a war with China over some reef in the middle of nowhere? If you watch Madam Secretary you are gonna say yes. In the real world would you be OK with your son or daughter dying in a war over something

Hurr durr durr! Obummer!

Don’t worry they have it all under control...

Please oh wise one tell us how President ghostmourn would stop the big bad Chinese?

Really? I know several people who bought used SUV’s over a newer minivan (which were in the same price-range) because they consider SUV’s safer. I think this is a common misconception.

Most nonsensical BS ever? GTR Mustang guy from one of the old “Mischief 3000" videos. Claims his stang’ is a V6 rotary with headers...

holy shit now i do.

thats... thats just good fucking kinja right there.

That’s why I’ve got a V8 with cubic cylinders!