Harrison Voorhees

Oh the humanity of people following you on Twitter, who you don’t like. I’m just glad you were able to get through it in one piece.

In other news, miners trapped underground for 36 days in China were freed. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asi…

Maybe you guys can catch up and swap tales of suffering. You can explain what

Who the fuck asks someone to unfollow them? Jesus Christ.

Good lord. I was just thinking “if I were crazy rich I’d just put a newer Defender in storage until I could import it.” Not thinking for a minute people actually did that! Great minds and whatnot...

Seriously. I swim, spar, run, and do tons of squats. I have no problem with straight leg or even some skinny raw selvedge denim. Most guys that bitch about this are just fat.

99% of all racecar engineering is designing things in a way that the rulebook hasn’t yet explicitly prohibited.

Chris Christie clearing his colon?

although you’ve made a compelling argument, i feel i must point out that you are indeed wrong

That’s why only I drink water:

As the father of triplet girls, this fills be to the fucking brim with white-hot rage. Man, FUCK this troglodyte of an “educator!”

Yuri Gagarin wasn’t the first man in space. The Soviets didn’t want to publicly fail with the world watching, so they secretly sent a bunch of guys before Yuri. Many of whom died.

Bob Vila has never built anything and cannot build anything. He just talks about building things.

Another one I’m on board with: big pharma is preventing meaningful work towards actual cures, as opposed to treatments, for a wide variety of diseases.

HOA’s are horrible. Fuck that noise.

Im so glad to see someone referenced this. Such a great trailer.