Harrison Voorhees

What does this have to do with millennials?

It’s less about the horses and more about not nuking your oil pressure. I’ve driven this car with and without the balance shafts and you really only notice any vibration in the shift lever. It doesn’t make noise, you can’t feel it in the seat. But to each his own.


It was sold as a Dodge and a plymouth in 85 and 86. In 87 those became chrysler conquests.

You don’t really notice the difference between a car that has them and one that doesnt. The difference being that the one that doesn’t have them is less likely to cause you future catastrophic oil pressure loss if the bearing in the upper shaft seizes (it also runs the oil pump). Not having the shafts also provides

Might want to ask for $400 off that price so you can get a new one piece lip then. TEP ain’t cheap. It’s a decent example for sure with a nice interior (if you ignore the wheel and shifter) but $5400 is pretty steep. I’ve seen nicer examples sell for a grand less. But hey, maybe these are finally getting popular and I

Fuel pressure regulator

I’ve never heard of a better way to describe that face. Thank you.

This doesn’t exactly pertain to real cars but it does pertain to stupid people who think they know cars.

Similar situation with motorcyclists, mountain bikers, rock climbers, etc. The bad eggs make the most noise.


My dad’s DD 2004 BMW RT1150 had like 75000 when he sold it last year

I am awaited!


Doesn’t this seem kind of futile? All the bombing that were doing doesn’t seem to have reduced their cause significantly and anything short of a massive invasion and essentially a genocide of the people who make up ISIL wouldn’t solve the problem. How feasible is that really? Would it maybe be better to just leave

Shame, there was the humble classy response and then there was the petulant man child response. At least you stuck with what you know.

Damn, you really are drunk. ;)

Yes, let’s compare racing cars and the massive operations that support them to what that might have looked like 40 years ago. Because that will make a ton of sense. Come on man.


Like a medic or something?