Don’t forget the often overlooked 700 Club. Jesus that one is a kookshow.
Don’t forget the often overlooked 700 Club. Jesus that one is a kookshow.
What we have here is a conflict between two armed, uniformed military where one party surrendered and was taken prisoner.
I was trying to think of a good analogy for this earlier, and I can’t believe it was the one time that I couldn’t think about boobs as an answer.
For myself? I’m not the one that asked for something....
You’re absolutely right. If your issue is whether or not they think he really is good then I really don’t know. Maybe they really do see him as a protector and good in that way or maybe they see him as survive/die option. That’s something that would vary from person to person. I’m sure there are plenty of people on…
We both know I said nothing of the sort and that you’re trying to bend this in a way that sees you being right to my expense. I wasn’t even saying you were wrong, just telling you what I‘ve read and know from experience.
I’m not going to the work for you bud. Some of that is scattered debris. Some of the bodies are still alive, you can even see at least one person surrender in the video. There are also bodies on the floor very much not moving which yes I am assuming are dead.
Then I guess you missed the dead bodies....? Not sure how else to explain that to you, other than to look more carefully at some of the motionless bodies wearing vests that are on the ground. There were 5 people killed in this raid, see if you can find them.
Well sure, but you and I come from a very different neighborhood.
Not sure why you think this is a valid point. None of these guys had FA bullpup rifles and it doesn’t look like any of them had 1911's. They did however have very cheap M4/M16/M??? variants from the good ol’ U.S. of A.
Hard to do if you don’t know it’s there. You would kind of hope that they maybe did some intelligence gathering beforehand but that still doesn’t necessarily mean there was anything to find without having someone on the ground searching for that kind of thing. I would imagine that would be pretty difficult to…
There’s an element of that but he usually kills people who oppose him, say from another cartel or what have you. So if you’re on his side, he has been somewhat charitable to people that support him. Or so I have read.
Maybe you missed it, maybe you’re jaded, but there are definitely gun shots, grenade explosions and dead bodies in this video.
Wrong stadium, the Pond is across the street ;)
But god damn that steering wheel ruins the cool of everything else. =[
See that’s the thing. According to the law maybe they can’t. But according to what they’ve physically accomplished, they totally can. The old saying goes “It’s only illegal if you get caught and punished.”
As long as the person agreed to let him push them out of the way he should be okay right? Where is Mr. Lehto?!?!
Where are you stuffing that rag?