Harrison Voorhees

Uhhh “fuck you” is a little more than a disagreement. And definitely not an effective way of highlighting an author who is supposedly be rude. How do you know that guy was even telling the truth? Sooooo mistakes all around apparently.

Looks like some sort of big ass heat exchanger

So should they have a wall of shame of all the trolls that they’ve banned? I don’t see your point...they don’t ban people for no reason.

I think you missed the sarcasm.

Sure, but many off-roaders will agree that one of the best things you can do for your rig is upgrade to more capable rubber. So I consider that to be not stock.

Not to mention that Qeshm Island in particular would cost even more money than hosting the race somewhere near the capital. The island has no bridge to the mainland, although it does have a ferry. The airport is really only suitable for the smallest of commercial flights if any at all. However even with many many many

As Devon said, that’s a Mitsu. But it’s also not stock.


It’s more due to the surface than their size. Dirt is inherently slower than the rubber or paved surfaces that the “road” rc cars run on.

Yeah most modern slot cars have throttle modulators. only really cheap ones are on/off switches

It’s really not.

Every time I see the model designation I read Tater. Every time.

Well I am pretty amazing.


Take your ignorance elsewhere. Not everything that is amazing on the internet is fake. Go see one in real life and you’ll find that these speeds are definitely not faked.

So are we gunna be calling it the Tater?

Smokey’s Chevelle

Because $$$$$$$

The only thing keeping that dangling 3200 lb posterchild of conformity known as a Honda Accord from crushing his Emmy-Award winning skull is a Harbor Freight hydraulic jack made by the lowest bidder in a country that thinks Quality Control is a movie starring Tom Cruise in the late ‘80s.

Dude. Chill pill. He likes the car and didn’t know how unsuccessful it was. No reason to be an absolute asshole about it.