Harrison Voorhees

Legality and kosher(ness?) aren't the same though. And when the pass was made back in 1996 it WAS legal. It will probably never be kosher but racing drivers are risk takers driven by competition. Sometimes kosher goes out the window if you can get away with it.

hnggggggggggggg jdm boner

pfff. 1980 mens hockey final.

Yeah, young people getting to do what they love in service of the nation that they love definitely makes them "punk-ass" kids. Get off your high horse and go be jealous of their contentment somewhere else.

Same thing right?

I concur. This particular car, I built right after the September 11th tragedies. I wanted it to look like a top fuel dragster.

We don't refer to other animals with common names by their scientific names. Moose are just moose. We don't call them alces. We don't call wolverines gulo. We don't humanssapiens.

funny enough, that's the same driver.

I was going to suggest my 87 Starion ESi-R but your post will do. Honestly our AE86 racecar was more reliable than the Starion but I just can't bring myself to let go of it. I just replaced about 5 orr 6 different connectors and broken wires under the hood for the TPS, ISC, oil pressure sensor, and various other

I feel so fortunate to be able to tell that this car is brown or bronze-y.

psssst, it's ma'am

Cunning consonance comrade!

Now all you need is a Rio Red Starion

Do you know how to watch this in the states? Their website shows they're broadcasting on Fox ports but I cant find it on the Fox website.

I was wondering why no one posted about the Goose. I just went to see it it Oregon like 3 days ago. It is massive.

If you havent seen him live, you should. The first time i saw him was in middle school for doing well in some bullshit fundraiser. Then he exploded and saw him again at the pacific amphitheater. Most comedians are far better live than on their specials in my opinion. He's still funny. You just have to wait until he

If you look closely on the grassy knoll, you can see a 26 year old Defender holding a rifle.

That was kinda boring. I'm gunna go watch a different wet noodle fight.

Excellent. Well done.

I'd watch that.