
Wasn't some of that background actually cut from the film as well?

I find I've developed a knee jerk dislike for anything tinged with Tim Burton's flavor, whatever it is.

All the native Spanish speakers you know speak with perfect American dialect? Somehow I doubt that. I may speak French, but it was not my first language and I doubt a Frenchman would mistake me for one of his countrymen.

Amen. I can't begin to describe how sick I am of sophomoric literary theory. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and these strained interpretations say more about the person making the argument than the work itself or its author(s).

Alright, that's kinda what I've been wondering. Just put the DVDs in the netflix queue. Thanks.

In spades? Comical baddie has comically evil plot which is comically foiled by the doctor with the power of love or some crap. There is never any real drama because the doctor is assured victory, cue sappy music, the end. God forbid anything change the formula lest we upset the ten year-olds and wannabe ten

After watching through the ninth and tenth doctors before giving up I find it hard to believe that anything can change with Doctor Who. Even with changing actors and baddies it all felt like the same old crap every episode. Have they stopped pandering to the last few decades of fans and done something original yet?

Whats been keeping me away from the theater has been outrageous ticket prices. I could drop $10 on a ticket or I could stay home and have hundreds of movies at my fingertips via netflix. Even if I'm interested in a film I usually just wait a month and catch it at my local second string theater for $1. The last

They should have had Rogen stand in for his alien double while filming a la Andy Serkis?

The US Navy and Marine Corps have already been using cheap effective biofuels from algae to power ships, tanks, and aircraft. Last October the USS Makin Island sailed from Mississippi to California on algae biodiesel saving the DOD $2 million in fuel.

I'd up that to 98% crap. Most of the remaining 2% being mediocre and the good stuff being so scarce as to verge on accidental.

Waiting months to throw us an already failed show seems extra cruel somehow.

Some one has probably already said it, but its the Founder's homeworld in the Omarion Nebula from DS9.

No Clancy Brown as Lex or Tim Daly as Supes? Deal breaker.

And now we can't even escape the madness with the retro site?

I finally feel justified in saying this. They're raping my childhood.

There it is. Still trying to get back at the "colonials," eh. All kidding aside, I don't see what incentive there is to show it first in one country in this day and age of easy global telecommunications. In fact I see a disincentive as a delay encourages pirating and hurts the shows ratings stateside.

I just wish it were longer. I also wish there was a live feed from NASA STEREO so I could put on some prog rock and veg out.

@cortexiphansession: I don't know what thats from, but he looked pretty scrawny in the super suit.

@DDigital: Of course you can find some exceptions, but I can't count the number of times I've been surprised to find out an actor on an American television show is British.