
@adambomb77: Because, while classics, a lot of those suck.

@k4man: I haven't been reading the comics, but if they were thinking of bringing Angel (I liked his show better anyway) back to Buffy when their shows were still going I would have been pissed. Angel was never terribly interesting when he was on Buffy, but they gave him his own show and let him take center stage

@Ungruntled: I know they are nothing alike, but that doesn't stop the movie from being an enjoyable piece of cheese. Its separate from the comics, the judge you know and love is still there.

@Palmer: I love that movie and just don't see why it catches so much hate. So it wasn't a perfectly faithful adaptation. So what. Starship Troopers wasn't either, but they were both awesome in their own ways.

I couldn't give a crap about anything left out from the book. Why you ask? I didn't read it because the art looks like crap.

Why are there baby chicks on Viggo's shoulder?

I just got back from seeing it and the theater was pretty packed for a Sunday night, but the mega-plex where I saw it only had one screen showing it while The Expendables and Eat, Pray, Love both had 4 screens each.

@cjschmidt: You apparently didn't read the whole post as I acknowledged that my superficial love of books was a surmountable obstacle for ebooks and readers. The bigger problem was the whole concept of the electronic format and how it is inherently cheap, disposable, and lacking of the integrity and permanence of the

@Starlionblue: I'm so vehemently against the concept (see "computers are voodoo") I haven't looked at one in person and when I was referring to power supplies I was thinking more along the lines of "where are you gonna plug it in the total breakdown of society as we know it" rather than "will this last the duration

@Rasselas: I'd rather have them go with that than anything else. Every other small arm in science fiction is inferior to modern firearms.

If I had a nickel for every time this old chestnut got thrown around I'd be a rich man. The printed word will never die. I like holding a book in my hands, I like smelling the paper, and reading off of something that isn't glowing. I grant that these problems are surmountable, but the bottom line for me is I like

@Shini: R.O.A.C.H.: Because bullpups just scream: Welcome to the world of tomorrow!

@sean98125: I was so disappointed when they canceled that show. Of course this was before tivo, torrenting, and DVD sets of just about every show. I was saved though because I decided to tape every episode. I ended up watching those, complete with commercials circa 1994, for years.

Reading the Walking Dead has finally made the zombie apocalypse scary again.

@gryftir: So all those blockbusters staring Will Smith, Haley Barry, Wesley Snipes, Jamie Foxx, Denzel Washington, etc. really don't rake in hundreds of millions of dollars?

@Dirk Anger: I think the comparatively large amount of advertising on during American shows has forced the writers to actual tighten up the narrative.

The pacing of the BBC version dragged something fierce. I was always wishing every episode would end ten minutes before it did.

I found this movie unwatchable. I may have been able to follow it if it weren't for almost all the dialogue being either whispered or mumbled. If I want physics I'll read a textbook. I watch movies because I want to actually give a shit about the characters.

"And I am going to blow it."

@01SNKOWNR: Bender's Big Score and the Beast with a Billion Backs had that old Futurama Spark, but they really lost it with Bender's Game and still haven't got it back.