*golf clap*
*golf clap*
Well, sticking an amputee in there is a pretty dick move, but the Americans with Disabilities Act is pretty clear.
It's like watching a rabbit on meth.
I like it. The front looks like the car is saying, "Fuck you for not thinking I'm good enough. Fuck. You."
Heh, nicely done. I lul'd at that.
Hahhaha, forgot about those. :)
Hey guys, just picked up a new Honda Civic Type R! Super pumped about this car! I'm looking to replace the following things, and want your advice on which is best so my car can look really awesome!
Wow, that's pretty awesome. How'd she react?
This is why I come to this site.
Honestly, this is why you should have to ask permission to comment here if you don't have a star.
I've found that cars containing more than 3 cylinders to be a bit garish. For centuries mankind traveled the earth with 1 horsepower. Why would 100 be better? I'll take a much more sensible 49 hp. 49 is a nice number, it's 1 before 50, and "50" tends to be a milestone of some sort, so coming just short of that is…
Added to my Kindle Wishlist.
Not to rain on anyone's parade, but a 1 in a million chance still has a "1" in it.
Already gave my #cotdnomination or I would easily add that tag to this one.
20% over tolerance is the really prudent point here.