Half the Wheels - Twice the Fun

Meh, if someone had photoshopped an actual labia on there, I'd be more impressed.

So it's Father's Day. And your auto-racing loving dad is just almost as excited for his next grandchild as he is for his next 'branded shirt track day'. Well, then do I have a deal for him.

Oh yeah, he liked his own status? Arrest that d-bag.


Seriously, buddy. Stop being such a dick, buddy.

A midrange Canon DSLR can shoot HD video (brand on his tripod bag), and with the lenses can produce high quality movies like this. Besides, if the guy is a photographer he has an eye for setting and story (and he does), so I totally buy he was able to pull this off.

Did you see the first sequel? I think this improves the trilogy.

You can also rent a Ferrari to cruise on mostly traffic-free roads just outside of Vegas where there is minimal police presence.

Selling out? I need a price check on some selling out, here. Jimmy? Can you head on over to aisle 7 and tell me how much this 10 oz jar of selling out is, please? Thanks Jimmy.

Yep - I have a silver '08 and I love the damn thing. But the HRC colors are just badass and unfortunately weren't available anywhere I looked.

It's all about context. Trying to look to the past with the implications of perceived benefits (notice that everything Das brought up is hearsay, hyperbole and completely anecdotal) ignores the massive - and I do mean, massive - benefits that modern society allows.

How is the buffet at the strip club?

People really need to study violent crime statistics between 'The good old days when men were men, women were in the kitchen, and black people had their own drinking fountain' and now.


If only television remotes came with buttons capable of changing the channel...

I just want to point out that I'm not mocking Canada. I'm too scared of you guys.

I want this music to be the soundtrack that plays whenever I enter a room.

I lul'd