"husbands pretending they're being forced to watch the show but secretly love it"
"husbands pretending they're being forced to watch the show but secretly love it"
Waaaaaay better than UPS and the cardboard stuff that Psyop made for them.
I want to say 'crack pipe' because the front grille isn't vagina-y enough for me, but who are we kidding. It's an Alfa. And it's an unassuming one to all but the most noblest of car junkies.
What, he can't afford a condom?
@snap_understeer_ftw: Next summer, I'll need the winter to buy the spare parts that will just crumble off of this thing as I whip it around.
*tappity tappity*
He kind of looks like Joe Rogan.
Audi will probably use it on one of their race cars.
@spiegel1 - Lada Gaga: DAMMIT, you beat me to it
@civicdrivr: Bingo
This is like those in-plane videos they showed during the Gulf War when you'd hear all the techno-chatter before the bomb would go. There's just something so real and visceral about this that marketing hype can't duplicate or replace.
Wow, good on Jalopnik to get the new Stig as a guest writer
Kevin James crashing in that outfit is a great metaphor for that (horrendous) movie. And quite possibly his career.
@Mad_Science: Noted, noted, and duly noted.
I really want to have the knowledge and skillset to do things like this. Do you learn it from a book or is just repeated failures?
@FightingChance: This is awful? Look at him, he's the awful one.